Sunday, July 03, 2005

Like No Other

Like No Other

I had an indescribable weekend. Definitely a weekend like no other--not with this much high.

I believe that when your heart is right with God, amazing things happen. The youth ministry of our church which is aptly named JZone, (short for Jesus Zone) handled the very first Youth Worship Sunday in CCF which entailed handling everything from ushering, to delivering the message. It was such a great experience because there was a change in everybody who sang in the praise and worship. I was able to attend the weekly Saturday Jzone worship and I immediately felt the difference when the praise and worship part came up. The euphoria even escalated today during worship because it was absolutely amazing.

Everything came together and I when I saw people, they were singing from their heart. Last night when JP and I were finishing up the stage, he mentioned that me staying there was an answered prayer.

JP and Tak hanging out.

God works in our lives in more ways than we can imagine. All we have to do is ask and there He will be.

Glory and honor to God! :)

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