It has always been said that adversity brings out the best in us as well as the worst. As for me, I have no doubt been able to prove to myself that it does. But the most important lesson so far is that I have been humbled. And I believe that it is one of the most profound experiences you will have in your lifetime.
People rarely welcome adversity because it is a harbinger of change. It has not been ingrained into our systems to accept such change because it destroys our routine. It challenges our spirits. To the older people of our generation, it means leaving their so-called comfort zones.
Like all people, I have experienced a plethora of emotions ever since childhood. But I am most surprised to come to the realization that the more things change, the more they stay the same.
I have cried.
I have rejoiced.
I have been shamed.
As well as honored.
I have been angry and sorrowful.
Passive and aggressive.
Stubborn and wise.
I have been introduced to the different truths in the world and every now and then, because I forget, I once again meet their acquaintance. It is amusing that when someone is introduced to you the second time around, you never seem to forget that moment. And you always remember their name.

I was once introduced to Humility. I met him again…and I will certainly not forget his name ever again.