Wednesday, October 05, 2005

It Isn't Much, But It's From the Heart

It Isn't Much, But It's From the Heart

I used to be so troubled by thoughts of the unknown. I used to be so caught up in the idea that a relationship is all that matters in this world. Yet God has taught me to fully rely on Him. Whatever the outcome is, I know I can rest my heart on His. No matter how wounded or scarred my soul is, it will always find comfort in Him. The reason why I say this is not to highlight the negative possibilities that may happen in the future but to emphasize that no matter how disappointing human relationships will be, we will always have a perfect God who will always perfectly love us in the way we want to be loved.

And since we're on the topic of relationships, I might as well share what I managed to write in an hour. I can only say that I stand in awe in the wonder of God's most beautiful creation--and that is woman. The proverbial Eve of every man. For every woman, you will always have someone who will find you captivating and enthralling. And it is my desire for my lady friends that you find someone who will confess to you the beauty that you do not know you hold. It is my desire that you find your God's Best and that he finds you as well. Wait on the Lord because His timing is perfect.

An Ode to Eve
by Zeus Martinez

Past your gleaming eyes and limpid stare
Past the silky strands of your flowing hair
I find your beauty in quiet wait
A beauty, flawless in every way
Beauty that grows day by day

Neither the rustling of leaves of spring
Nor the thunderclouds that loudly ring
Might take it from your hands
Your beauty wrapped in grace divine
I find radiant, complete, sublime

Smile no more lest my soul rejoice
And it longs to hear your soft calm voice
Beloved, hear my honest plea
I dare not see us grow apart
For you are the hiccup of my heart

I see your face in songs and poems
And find your smile in morning blossoms
I sail the seas with you in mind
And as I peer into the blue
My thoughts are filled with only you

Past the imperfections you always see
Past your great melancholy
I see a beauty I wish to know
One I’ve searched for, one that’s true
One that I have found in you

Monday, October 03, 2005

Knowing You More and More

Knowing You More and More

I learned another thing about God yesterday. I learned that the things we are able to accomplish are only because of God's infinite Grace and mercy. The minute we give credit to ourselves, whether it's on purpose or not, we risk God agreeing with us. In order to save space, I scripted the gist of what happened to me in the following psuedo-dialogue between myself and God:

Me: "How wonderful I have been for you, Lord. I have done this FOR you. This is my offering to you."

God: "Really now? Do you have any idea about how much I have helped you accomplish that? Do you have any idea that it is not you, but Myself working in you? Why do you then give credit where it is not due?"

Me: "I'm just so happy that I'VE been able to shed my old self."

God: "Since you put it that way, let's see YOU pull it off without my grace."

Me: "Okay :)"

This is the part where people in the audience say, "Yari ka." =))

Then I stumble with my walk with God.

*slowly walks back to God with my heart humbled*

Me: "Joke lang. Hindi ko pala kaya. I'm really sorry, Lord."

*sigh* It's hard to be humbled especially if God does that to you. He reminds you of your fallen nature and how insignificant you are WITHOUT Him. If you've never tried to come up to Him with a humble heart, I suggest that you do. If there's anything that you can do after you've sinned and you sincerely want to confess it to God, I suggest Psalm 51.