Monday, November 14, 2005

Photoshop, I like.

Photoshop, I like

I've recently discovered that I just love Adobe Photoshop. It's just an awesome, awesome program and you could literally have me sit for a day just experimenting on the several effects that you can achieve with the program. I just love (geek alert) switching saturations and experimenting with the hues and different blending modes that are at my disposal. During the course of my experience with Photoshop, I've only learned a fraction of the program but knowing the simple fundamentals of selection and saturation has taken me a long way. I just have one problem. I sometimes can't replicate a certain effect that I did, especially if it entailed me just sitting and playing around with levels and curves. Add plugins to the equation and I'm already lost. :|

I think I just need to take down notes. Oh well. *opens Photoshop*

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