Thursday, October 13, 2005

An Epiphany about Women

An Epiphany about Women

I just realized something. And I just want to be able to share it because it came during my long prayer time around 1:00 AM in the morning.

I came to discover the beauty that women inherently contain. I realized that when I see "her", it's as if I could stop and gaze upon her for a very long time. I was talking to God when I came to the topic of my God's Best. I confessed to Him that whenever I see her in all her beauty, I simply cannot help but want to see her. I could look at her face a thousand times over and not be the least bit dulled for she is beautiful. She is, in a word, captivating.

And I realize that this is true for all women. Whether you are more like this and less like that, whatever you may be, there will always be a guy who will always find you beautiful. And for her, I am that guy. I shake my head when she smiles at me or whenever she looks my way. I try to hide my joy and contentment in being near her between laughter and comfortable smiles--or sometimes, uncomfortable silences. Whatever it is, I find myself either dancing inside or shaking my head while saying to myself, "Grabe, why did she have to be so beautiful?" And this is not just physical beauty that I am talking about. No siree! It is a given that she is physically beautiful but whatever grace she has, however enchanting everything about her may be, she is still even more inside. How do I know that? I guess I just do.

So here I was, praying to God and asking Him for His will when I realized that I should be grateful for God that He made Adam strong and Eve captivating. I thank God that he made us differently. I realized that the beauty that we behold in women today are only glimpses of the beauty of Almight God. I pictured myself standing amidst the multitide while in His throneroom. I see myself hiding behind the marble pillar that is in the room--trying to get a glimpse of the splendor and beauty of of a beautiful and enchanting God. In the same way that I cannot help but become drawn to her when I am in her presence, I can only surmise that it will happen to me again with God in Heaven.

And when the Lord of the Universe calls me to His presence, it will be more than butterflies in my stomach (assuming I still have one when that happens) but it will be a rejoicing of my soul. What a wonderful day that will be.

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